Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fascinating London Web Site

As one of our number is off to London soon, and as we have read "From Hell," I found this site as I was doing some reserach for work. It contains digitized, original documents from Old Baily in London from 1690 to 1800. There are documents from criminal trials, government social policy, some letters, etc. What is cool about it is the site is keyword searchable. Anyway, just something to waste your time on.

Monday, July 26, 2010

And because I love you...

Jane Austen fight club...what's the first rule of fight club mofo?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

iTunes University

I learned about something interesting yesterday.  You all probably know about this but it was a revelation to me.  On iTunes, they have the iTunes University with free courses from all kinds universities.  I found a Yale course on the American novel since 1945, for example.  The course has a total of 51 classes but, of course, you can pick and choose any that look interesting.  As fellow lovers of learning, I felt compelled to share :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lovecraft crazy cat name contest

So as was mentioned at the last book club, we have thought up a little contest for our reading of H. P. Lovecraft. As you know we are reading at least three short stories by Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu" and any two others. Now the contest, Lovecraft was a well-known eccentric, at the age of ten had dressed himself in a sheet and turban and claimed to have converted to Islam, this is 19th century New England. He had a massive fear of old people that bordered on a phobia. So the contest is to find the 'interesting' name for one of the cat's mentioned in one of his short story. The person who wins gets a candy bar of their choice. So, good reading.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Upcoming Events

Next Wednesday we will be watching Fight Club.  Not sure who's hosting that yet so keep an eye out for updates.  Book club on the 21st is at Kelly's house and we will be discussing the H.P. Lovecraft short stories.  Everyone is reading Call of Cthulhu but then you can pick any other 2-3 stories on your own.  A candy bar of your choosing is the reward for anyone who finds the story involving a cat with an "inappropriate" name.  No cheating allowed!  This is a major award, people!

The next two books will be Dune and Handmaid's Tale.  As of now, we decided to try and read Dune in the normal two weeks but we will reassess of it seems that is too much.  Have a good weekend everyone!!!

7/12/2010~ We have decided we are watching Fight Club at Chris & Charity's house this week at 7pm.

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Dune by Frank Herbert
